I’m prefacing this by stating that I’m not a medical doctor, a virologist, or work in the healthcare system. I have worked in IT for 30 years diagnosing extremely complex issues searching for root cause analysis of issues. I also lost 175 pounds at one point by learning hormones on the next level – and went against medical advice to change my life. With that process, I went above and beyond typical medical doctrine of “calories in/calories out” and started to lean into endocrinology and learned how hormones can dictate just about everything – including hunger (ghrelin). I also learned a lot about the gut microbiome and how different foods feed different bacteria and can create neurological responses. Much of what I learned was doing a deep dive, and with this – 3 years later I had lost 175 pounds with rarely being hungry and doing triathlons and 5ks. Medical advice my whole life was just to track calories – but none of this explained why I was severely overweight and hungry.

While I believe strongly that even the lowest graded doctor on the planet is indeed smarter than me when you look at book knowledge – my hope here is to point out observations and link some things worth noting that goes into diagnostics and root cause rather than book definitions of a particular disease. For example, I’m taking a “Dr. House” look at this rather than just trusting a local GP that wants to run tests and then sends you to a specialist for more tests that look at a table to tell you what pill to take. In my life, I have someone close to me that anecdotally answers a lot of things – which then got me down a rabbit hole.

As you read throughout this, I might get somewhere in the zip code of what the root cause of all of this is – without having the fancy medical degrees. In fact, during my searches, I found evidence from those fancy doctors that align perfectly with what I just found chasing the rabbit down the hole.

My rabbit hole is not perfect. There are gaps to what I found. Things that I cannot possibly answer given my lack of medical expertise. However, what I have observed – I believe can start people thinking differently about the problems all of us have seen with people who have possibly been affected by a COVID shot. Again – this is anecdotal, and meant to change how people look at root cause, not to finger point and blame.

Hypothesis – the COVID “vaccines” that were meant to teach our bodies to develop a spike protein to fight COVID inadvertently suppressed our ability to fight off viruses we already had (and autoimmune disorders caused by them). Rather than the shot adding something to you to cause harm, it may have removed the body’s ability to fight off common symptoms from diseases we already had. Below, I will discuss some evidence of what I have observed and how the shot may have cause this

To some of you, this might be clearly evident. To others, what I write may sound like an uneducated conspiracy. To the medically trained, it may sound completely stupid and without merit – until you read the research I found on PubMed that is 3 years old and supports exactly what I have found independently 3 years later as a downstream effect. All I ask is that you follow along, and start to think outside of the box as to what people are observing.

Let’s start with some terminology so we are talking apples to apples. First, vaccines that all of us really have known about, historically, were a part of a disease that our bodies were able to then learn to fight. You get a small dose of something malformed, and your body’s immune system learns how to fight it. See how they changed the definition below and here

According to anĀ archived version of the dictionary’s website, Merriam-Webster formerly said a “vaccine” was “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.”

The new definition of “vaccine“, published in May, reads: “a preparation that is administered ā€“ as by injection ā€“ to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease.” 

Recently, they changed the definition of vaccine, so the COVID shot could fall under the “vaccine protection” umbrellas and get fast tracked. These new “vaccines” in this document I will call “mRNA treatments” so we do not confuse old school vaccines with the new definition of vaccines. Most people who try to speak authoritatively on the topic do not realize they changed the definition. So I’m going to try and break these two apart so that we can speak the same language. It is crucial to understand the difference here – because the new “mRNA treatments” have been found to potentially cause issues that traditional vaccines do not. More on that in the conclusion.

The mRNA treatments were devised to fight COVID. The idea was that for the weakest and most frail in our society, we can provide a treatment to help them fight it off. This is what Trump was fighting for with Operation Warp Speed. I supported this idea, so that my now 97 year old grandmother had a chance to fight off the disease, and so that my brother – who had issues at birth – could also fight it off. My opposition to any of this is when it became mandated under the Biden administration. In this case, people like myself had a choice presented to us, enforced by corporate America – either get the vax, or be ostracized by society and lose your job. I fought this off successfully and never got the vax, but many others lost their job, and many millions more trusted everything said to them and gleefully lined up for a cheeseburger and fries to get a vax. This probably should have been your first indication things were wrong.

My fight became a fight of free will and autonomy. I was de-friended by many people, despite a clear lack of evidence that the mRNA treatment did much of anything. I want to put all of that aside right now and talk about the aftermath, and root causes of what people have observed in the aftermath. In my diet changes talked about above – I also had a very low carb diet, and chose most of my foods that were anti-inflammatory. Note, I also hypothesize that low carb diets would also tend to ward off most cancers. My cousin, who was diagnosed with brain cancer about 8 years or so ago, was put on a strict ketogenic diet. Her prognosis then was not good – perhaps only a few years – but 8 or so years later, she is as strong as ever. Meaning – there is a possibility here that sugar feeds cancers – OR rather- when metabolized, does something to prevent your body from fighting off cancers. I went a step further and had done fasting and 3 day fasts – to induce autophagy, where your body will “eat itself”, based off of a 2016 nobel prize for medicine.

Suffice it to say, I’m not a doctor, by any means – but I look at all of this with technical curiosity. While I do not have the ability to speak to many things, causality and research can be done outside of the medical establishment.

First – I separated the traditional vaccines and the MRNA treatments into two distinct camps so as to not to muddle the side effects seen from them. You can see below, the chart that shows side effects as reported by the MRNA treatment versus all traditional vaccines 1990-2022. I am laying the foundation here why perhaps a measles vaccine may not lead to problems, but the mRNA treatment (called a vaccine now by the government) can.

VAERS is Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. So if you were to get your measles shot and got a rash, you’d tell your doctor and they would make a VAERS report for you. However, during the COVID shot frenzy, I have many anecdotal reports to me of people who had symptoms after the shots, but medical professionals refused to put an entry in for VAERS. Some told the patients that it was “in their heads” or that the symptom they saw could not have been linked to the shot, despite getting it just a few days before. Then, we saw the VAERS numbers explode, and the medical community then desperately tried to tell us that it wasn’t reliable. Some estimate the events reported were severely under-reported, as medical professionals, in many cases, were “promoting the science” and with this, essentially told people to get the shot and shut up because we were too stupid.

In the wake of all of this, we have seen –

  • Many cases of myocarditis
  • “Turbo cancers”
  • People passing out all the time, in many cases fatally
  • Many who feel they were injured to varying degrees, with no one listening.

In all cases, because the mRNA treatment was labeled a vaccine, this essentially protected pharm companies from any kind of lawsuits. The governments of many countries did set up funds to help pay for injuries (also here) to those who had mRNA treatment side effects, but it’s probably more accurate to say these are payouts for things that happened within 24 hours of a shot rather than months or years later. Many people feel they are suffering, can pinpoint what changed on what date, but they do not have medical evidence to definitively prove that the shots caused issues.

At first, many of these people were written off as loons, or conspiracy people. “Follow the science” was a motto thrown out to the public like red meat so that people could not question the science. It is said that science cannot be question is religion, and by all means, when rhetoric from the government is now forced upon people to not be able to question the science – it then becomes state messaging akin to what we grew up witnessing in the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

We all saw how Musk bought Twitter, and released the Twitter files. This was the smoking gun that essentially had our government silencing opposition to the vax, and Facebook and other social media like YouTube would remove content, call it “disinformation”, and turn you into a social leper. Our government had a hand in this, as did governments from all over the world.

Today – there aren’t really a lot of people that I know of looking into the aftermath. At first glance, there’s just too many different types of symptoms. The MRNA didn’t really “add” something to people that would cause all of this. If you look at the VAERS data, the reports are literally all over the place as to what the symptoms are. Too random to be caused by the shot itself.

Below, I want to talk about some things I have seen anecdotally – names for all but two will be hidden. I just want to present to you symptoms and how all of this can be tied together, or at least the beginning hypothesis can be formed.

Patient A – famous person, fell down and cracked their skull and died.

Patient B – a few weeks after the shot, reported a fluttering heart. Doctors told them in their head and refused to report to VAERS

Patient C – recurring fevers of 101, passing out, achy joints. Had weak immune system prior to shot, but since shot is “sick” every other week. Flu-like symptoms, but no evidence of flu.

Patient D – Had cancer and stomach surgery. Healthy adult female.

In patient C, it is known they had Epstein Barr as a child, and mono in their teens. According to the ultra-reliable and scientific Wikipedia (sarcasm)…

“About 95% of the world’s population is infected with EBV. During the initial infection, the virus may cause infectious mononucleosis, only minorĀ non-specific symptoms, orĀ no symptoms. Regardless of this, the virus enters aĀ latencyĀ phase in its host and the infected individual becomes a lifetimeĀ asymptomatic carrierĀ of EBV. Weeks, months, years, or decades thereafter, a small percentage of these carriers, particularly those with anĀ immunodeficiency, develop an EBV+ LPD. Worldwide, EBV infection is associated with 1%[8]Ā to 1.5%[9]Ā of all cancers.[1]Ā The vast majority of these EBV-associated cancers are LPD. The non-malignant, premalignant, and malignant forms of EBV+ LPD have a huge impact on world health.[1]

In patient C, they have also passed out multiple times. In some of those occurrences, if people were not there to catch them, they could have fallen down and cracked their skull. This is similar to what happened to patient A (Bob Saget). Meaning, it is possible that Saget had a situation where he died as a result of passing out and cracking his skull. I was present first hand to see this multiple times in patient C.

In Patient C’s history, one of the times they passed out, COVID 19 was confirmed. There is a correlation here. Both patients had COVID and both could have results with blunt head trauma as a result of passing out. But why would COVID itself cause someone to pass out?

In the “Suddenly Died” videos, you see many people passing out. Note – these are not highly reliable, as one of the clips was prior to COVID. Also, not everyone who passed out in these videos died. Many did. However, in many of these cases, you can see how the passing out could lead to blunt force head trauma.

The working theory by Suddenly Died is that the vax is causing that passing out and the vax itself is killing people. My theory is slightly more nuanced, in that a virus like Epstein Barr can be present in everyone – dormant – and the MRNA affected the body’s natural immune system to fight it off and perhaps prevent the develop of autoimmune diseases that can come from the virus. Interestingly, I found a PubMed article from 2021 that states literally this exact thesis. So – I was surprised to actually find evidence of this.

While Saget and patient C had Covid, patient C has passed out numerous times while having a temperature and not testing positive for COVID. Patient C has been suffering from recurring bouts of high temperatures and flu-like symptoms that can pass within 18 hours without any external treatments – as if it was an acute autoimmune disorder.

Meaning, passing out WITH Covid is a subset of a bigger Venn diagram of passing out. I would not suggest the vax directly caused Saget to die. But we must see the passing out as the link. What is causing all of this passing out? Patient C has been told “vasovagal syncope

“Vasovagal syncope (vay-zoh-VAY-gul SING-kuh-pee) occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress. It may also be called neurocardiogenic syncope.”

Above fits patient C’s symptoms to a tee. Could this also be part of the spike protein caused by the vax? Or – rather, could this sort of be a form of “hard reset” your body is doing when your autoimmune response is overwhelmed? Think of it like rebooting your computer?

In patient C’s case, they appear to be having a lot of symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – thought to be caused by Epstein Barr, as well as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which also is thought to be caused by Epstein Barr. CFS is not well understood, but patient C has a lot of the CFS symptoms – for years. Almost as if they had mono a lot.

Patient B had heart fluttering, and was told it could be myocarditis. One symptom of RA is swelling of the heart.

”Ā This may result in aĀ low red blood cell count,Ā inflammation around the lungs, andĀ inflammation around the heart.”

From the Mayo Clinic:

‘Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium). The inflammation can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood. Myocarditis can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and rapid or irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias).

Infection with a virus is one cause of myocarditis. Sometimes a drug reaction or general inflammatory condition causes myocarditis.”

My medical lack of knowledge here raises the question – does RA type of heart inflammation mimic what we have seen with myocarditis? Could the EBV be a cause of myocarditis? Where many felt “the shot” could be causing Myocarditis, it could have been a dormant EBV that was removed from its shackles, causing an acute RA reaction? For some, the EBV could then shortly be put back in its bottle – but for others – it seems they have long term returning symptoms.

In patient C – they have these symptoms as well with a sore throat:


Some people with early myocarditis don’t have symptoms. Others have mild symptoms.

Common myocarditis symptoms include:

  • Chest pain
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias)
  • Shortness of breath, at rest or during activity
  • Light-headedness or feeling like you might faint
  • Flu-like symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pain, fever or sore throat

Some of these symptoms were shared with patient B. A commonality here is that 95% of the population have EBV, which could reveal itself in patients across a wide spectrum sharing flavors of common symptoms.

Patient D is who we know least about. This is Kate Middleton, who famously was part of the vax push.

Middleton famously underwent a mysterious stomach surgery on Dec 28th, and a few months later came out in a video to say she had cancer. Zero details have been released to the public about the type of cancer or details, but one can possibly correlate the stomach surgery with the cancer announcement. It is possible they just want max privacy for her – which is legitimate. It is also possible that if they provided the types of details that this could stoke the “anti-vax” movement – which goes against tens of billions in pharma revenues. So, mum is the word here on her condition, but it also gives credence to the lack of information could be to not fuel conspiracy claims – that might bare nuggets of truth.

This then goes back to EBV – which shows it is a possible cause of “gastric cancers”.

Meaning, the shot itself did not cause a stomach cancer, but the possibility that EBV was active could have. Or, perhaps another existing suppressed virus that she or others may have had.

You then start to wonder if there’s any correlation with the concept of “turbo cancers” to this. When you try and look up “turbo cancer” you get the idea that you are a conspiracy and anti-vax nutjob.

Now, the claim apparently came from a satire site…

Wikipedia has a page for Turbo Cancer…

Remember, the mRNA isn’t a traditional vaccine, it’s a “COVID treatment”. The rhetoric machine tries to have anyone that questions anything about the mRNA as some sort of whack job. It is legitimate to separate out mRNA from, say, the polio vaccine. 99% of the people questioning mRNA are not against the measles and polio vaccine, they are against mandating the mRNA treatment. This distinction is not made to get people to defame the character of people trying to ask questions about the mRNA to suggest they are “against science”.

Side note – by mandating this mRNA treatment, it scored tens of billions in revenue and profits for the largest pharm companies in the world. You cannot have this conversation without at least understanding this as a possible motive to influence mandating this. I’m not saying it happened, but given the level of possible corruption in governments and our donor/PAC systems, you cannot rule out that the push for mandating this came from pharm companies themselves.

Now, the concept of “turbo cancer” can be probably most accurately described as a sudden and fast spreading cancer that leads to a quick death. It is very legitimate to bring up that during the COVID lockdowns, many didn’t do their normal cancer screens, and because of this, many cancers were not detected early, but could have only been detected later – leading to a fast spreading stage 3-4 cancer and a relatively quick death. Both of my parents died from cancer – my father of small cell lung cancer in 2005 in 11 months, and my mother who was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer who lasted about 18 months in 2019. Both of them passed well before COVID, but I can tell you that people know things are very wrong a year or more before their death. The “turbo cancers” that many seem to be speaking of, are first diagnosed to patient death in only a few months.

Recently, I had read an article where sugar is linked to cancer. Essentially, when you burn the sucrose, there is a chemical that is released that subverts the gene in our body that can fight many cancers.

For the past 6 years or so, I have lived a relatively sugar-free existence. That’s another tinfoil hat for another day you can see in 100+ of my blogs on this site, with evidence, but the point was that when I read this article the other day, it had me thinking about things that might happen to our body that might subvert our natural responses. IF there were something that perhaps was not stopping EBV from producing cancers, it might lead to a higher rate of cancers and quicker deaths. We have seen with patient D (Middleton) that a stomach cancer could be caused by EBV. Again – with my lack of medical knowledge and details about the type of cancer she actually has – I’m left to hypothesize that this stomach cancer was caused by EBV. I may be wildly off here. However, one then might probe further and wonder that if EBV can cause cancers – how? We know the HPV virus is known to cause cervical cancers.

So viruses can cause autoimmune disorders and cancers?

Meaning – is it possible there are other viruses in our body other than EBV that might be the cause of her cancer? Could the shot have suppressed the body’s ability to fight off that EBV or other virus? Could having a higher blood sugar as a result of diet led to suppress the ability for the body to fight cancers?

I’m not the first person to start to think about the shot in correlation with autoimmune disorders. I just found this

This person is perhaps 3+ years ahead of me with this. But – this is before years of anecdotal data that would come out that would support the thesis.

“Therefore, young and female patients who are already affected or predisposed (e.g.Ā immunological and serological abnormalities in absence of clinical symptoms, familiarity for immune-mediated diseases) to autoimmune or autoinflammatory disorders should be carefully evaluated for the benefits and risks of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. According to epidemiological data, these subjects may develop the infection asymptomatically or pauci-symptomatically and it is worth noting that, in line with the article of Vojdani et al. [1], the presence of autoreactive cells and autoantibodies cross-reacting against SARS-CoV-2 epitopes may even turn naturally protective towards the infection. Until proven otherwise, the administration of a nucleic acid vaccine may instead put these individuals at risk of unwanted immunological side effects by either sensitizing the PRRs or generating cross-reactive cell clones and antibodies. Moreover, COVID-19 mRNA vaccine might differently stimulate myeloid or plasmacytoid dendritic cells (DCs), generating an unbalance in the downstream cytokine pathways that play a crucial role in autoimmunity and autoinflammation

Lots of big words here, but what I tend to read is that the mRNA COVID treatment may have side effects in messing with the body’s role in autoimmunity and autoinflammation, particularly in females. Patient C is female.

It is 3 years post this writing, and I can tell you that it appears to me as a casual observer that patient C is suffering a lot of autoimmune issues – related to an existing condition with Epstein Barr which may have caused some of these. Which 95% of the world has, but apparently can fight off. Those with the shot may not be able to suppress the EBV appropriately. This could then perhaps express itself in things like rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

The article further goes on….
“Lipid components may also dictate the type and intensity of the immune response, by enhancing the production of IFN-Ī³, IL-2 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Ī± with the subsequent activation of both CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes. Although this is not the case of the authorized COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, future formulations containing adjuvant like TLR agonists [13] may exacerbate pre-existing autoimmune or autoinflammatory disorders and should therefore be discouraged in this cohort of patients.

Given the current state of the art, my view is that individuals with a dysfunctional immune response should receive the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine only if the benefits of this approach clearly outweigh any risks and after a careful evaluation case by case.”

What is TNF?

So this article states that the mRNA treatment enhances the TNF, which can cause inflammation and Rheumatoid Arthritis (possibly caused by presence of EBV).


All 4 patients above had different symptoms, but all of the symptoms can be tied to an autoimmune response that was not able to be suppressed. It is possible that the COVID mRNA treatment was not needed in everyone, and while recognized as “safe” in the short term, long term studies of its effects were not done. These observations can be seen years later in many, many forms – which may all have a root cause in the mRNA treatment being administered.

The article above further states…

”Ā Although the results from phase I and II/III studies have not raised serious safety concerns [5], the time of observation was extremely short and the target population not defined. Reported local and systemic adverse events seemed to be dose-dependent and more common in participants aged under 55Ā years. These results presumably depend on the higher reactogenicity occurring in younger people that may confer greater protection towards viral antigens but also predispose to a higher burden of immunological side effects.”

The article I linked above was a book report of sorts for this article here

Let’s look at the abstract and how this may effect all 4 patients – assuming 95% of the population has EBV.

Given everything above – I believe what we are seeing with people who are suffering after the mRNA treatment is not the treatment juice itself, but rather it is negatively affecting the body’s natural ability to fight off autoimmune diseases already present prior to the treatment that were mostly dormant. This explains the wide variety of symptoms and side effects that do not have a single common cause, but could be the causes of many autoimmune diseases no longer able to be fought off by those who took the mRNA treatment. Or, rather, compromises or severely limits the body’s ability to fight this off

When I was looking up a list of autoimmune disorders, I found “stiff person syndrome”. I had heard recently that Celine Dion was diagnosed with it – and it’s like 1 in a million to have it.

The question then becomes, like EBV, do many more people have these types of things and our body has learned how to suppress them? If so – is it possible the vax didn’t give her SPS, but rather removed the body’s natural ability to fight it off?

On that list is restless leg syndrome. My grandmother (97) got that last year for the first time, a year after the vax. It’s an autoimmune disorder. It’s anecdotal.

A person in my circle is mid 40s and just diagnosed with MS. MS is caused by EBV. Could more people have EBV/MS and the body is able to fight it off? Could the shot have removed her ability to fight this off?

On this list appears to be a form of thrombosis – which I never heard of a few years ago, which is now rampant?