As many of you know, I left my job running large contract teams for US military institutions under US CYBERCOM going back 15 years to jump ship for my favorite product in the world – Kinesis. I had written extensively about Kinesis here for years, and when I signed on, I didn’t want to mention them too much here as I didn’t want to sound like an advertisement. That being said – from time to time on new product launches, I’m raising my hand wanting to amplify the message going out to the community.

Quick summary of what Kinesis is

For those of you who are new to Kinesis that I’m sharing this with – let me give you a quick summary. Kinesis is a monetary system that is mostly known for their gold/silver exchange of Asset Backed Digital Currencies. It has evolved into a lot more over the years, and will transform itself a lot more in the next 12 months to come!

It was founded on the concept of storing your money in gold and silver in vaults, but then using crypto digital technology to tie your tokens to the gold and silver in the vaults that you could spend as money.

Back in the day, the paper was the currency, and the gold was the MONEY. Rather than lugging ounces of metal around, the paper was the claim to the money in the vaults. Eventually, this evolved to a debit card where cash wasn’t needed. The debit card was then the claim on the cash, but the cash was no longer a claim to the gold. Gold had been relegated to vaults deep underground – held only by the wealthiest.

Until recently. Fractional gold!!

Whereas traditionally people would hold gold in vaults and incur fees over years – this product wants people to SPEND your gold and silver in the vaults. A KAU is a GRAM of gold, and a KAG is an OUNCE of silver. So instead of lugging a one oz coin to a grocery store, you can buy your bread with perhaps .08 KAU. This allows you to hold piles of gold in the vaults, and spend only what you need. So you do not have to hold cash in banks. You hold precious metals in vaults. When you buy this bread, at PoS, enough KAU is sold to pay for that bread in the currency of where you are. No need for travelers cheques or currency conversions when you go to other countries!

Also – I could then send you gold or silver through the blockchain, which then essentially has you owning “title” to the metal in the vault. If you have 100g of gold or 200 oz of silver, you can REDEEM this metal, at any time. It is audited, and the last I checked, the metal is in 15 vaults around the world. The Kinesis exchange has grown to add crypto digital assets to it, so you can easily then sell bitcoin to exchange for silver.

Yields and fees

What is interesting about the yields to people are that they are paid by the fees generated through friction in the system. So when you sell bitcoin for silver, Kinesis gets a tiny fraction of that. When you spend at the pump, kinesis gets a tiny fraction of that. The YIELD POOL is what pays for all of the yields. So, if NOT ONE PERSON uses the system, there are no yields paid out. Zero. The size of the yields paid to you depend on the amount of transactions within the system.

Ideally, at some future point, I want ALL of my currency stored with Kinesis, and I will then pay bills from this account rather than my local bank. While that day is not today, I think people are awakening to the dangers of holding fiat with high levels of inflation in the system.

The Partner Program

With this product – it’s tailored towards a lot of you out there with large networks of contacts to get a sizable portion of your referral’s transaction fees. If you are signing up a LOT of people from your network, you are going to be nicely rewarded.

Kinesis ALREADY has a referrer’s yield for people like me and you that want to sign up their friends, family, and social media contacts where we can get 7.5% of their future transaction fees – paid in gold and silver, every month. I would consider this the “grass roots” campaign.

This Partner Program is different in that it is looking to add “network effect” of larger levels of influencers and public figures. Imagine – you are someone like Casey Neistat with 12 million followers. A Matt Carriker with 4.38 million followers trying to build out the Desperado (love you Matt!). Maybe even a Joe Rogan with 100 million listeners – and you were able to sign up users to Kinesis and receive up to TWENTY FIVE PERCENT of their future Kinesis transactions? PAID in gold and silver?

Here is what the table looks like…

Imagine you are a Matt Carriker who has shot a 1,000 oz bar of silver on his show, and appears to love the shiny – and you have a referral code in your videos and discuss this with your audience. With banking issues today, it’s possible 100,000 of your audience uses your referral code to sign up. They go through KYC, get an account, transfer fiat to it, and buy gold, silver, cryptos – and spend it, trade it, etc. Maybe in that audience of 100,000 there are a handful of whales that understand that they can vault with Kinesis and not only have no COST to vault, but they get PAID to vault. You could see them leaving traditional vaulting services to come clamoring to it. But they drop thousands of dollars. Most of your average users decide to spend $100-$500.

At the end of the month, $31 million in transactions have happened, and is associated with your referral code. Looking at the table above, that’s 18% of transaction fees!

Transaction fees make the world go round here, so to speak. Whether you are trading gold for silver, or silver for bitcoin, or whatever – or you are spending on debit cards, all of these fees go into a pool every month.

Let’s now assume the $31m in transactions averaged .6% for the month, given many used the debit card to buy groceries, buy clothing, etc. Perhaps many just did some crypto trading. But your whales were bringing in serious money to buy gold and silver in the vault. That is $186,000 in fees, of which, you get 18% of that. Or, $33,400. Every month for those volumes.

Imagine that? Forever, all of the transactions they ever make will come to you, in perpetuity. Paid in gold and silver, directly to your account – monthly.

Now let’s imagine you have been talking about Kinesis over the course of a year, and your massive network is now spending over $450,000,000 in a month around the world. If you have millions in your network, this is very much achievable. That now bumps you to 25% of those fees. Again, let’s average .6% here as the debit card usage could be ticking it up a bit. That is $2,700,000 in one month or – $675,000 in one month you get from your Partner yields.

Who can become a partner?

While you can apply on the page – this is primarily geared towards those who are bringing a large audience with them. Look at just how some of these top influencers could benefit from this?

The below comes from here:

If you look at this list, you start to see some commonalities.

Athletes – display wealth in gold jewelry, watches. Most likely they have a small portion (like 3% or so) of their net worth in gold. Whether it is jewelry or vaulted, or a combination of this, you can see how this group would relate to Kinesis and store cash in gold/silver, and then spend as they need.

Movie stars/singers – the first thing you think of here can be the glamour of a Hollywood actress with jewelry. Gold and diamond earrings. They store wealth in jewelry – and by proxy, a lot of gold.

Also – think about those of us in the metal space you follow that have HUGE networks of people who listen to them on TV, on podcasts. Some may cross over into multiple genres. They have an opportunity here to be the first to partner with Kinesis and take that entire market share of referrals. If you look at some of the famous metals podcasts, you are talking 100,000 in this network of deeply rooted gold and silver investors looking for products like this!

The future is bright for Kinesis and partners!

2024 is about to be a banner year for Kinesis. There’s a lot of products in the pipeline coming, but exact dates are only approximations at this point given a lot of focus is on compliance, dotting the Is and crossing the Ts, and having beta/test programs to get great feedback before items are rolled out to the millions we intend to have in this system soon enough.

Rome was not built in a day, and neither will the Kinesis Monetary System. Bricks are being laid, one by one, and this system intends to change the world by allowing everyone to store their money in gold and silver, be paid for it, and spend it whenever you want, wherever you want.

Partners who come into this system now have first mover advantage. If you are the biggest gold guy – jump in now. If you are the biggest movie star who loves gold – jump in first. If you are the biggest YouTube influencers who love silver – jump in first. Even if you are a well-known politician running for office and love gold – tell your voters about it and get paid!

We do not need millions of partners for this with a handful of referrals – that is what the referrers yield is for you and me (I’m at 38 now, woo hoo!!), but the best, brightest, and largest influencers with the biggest networks will get a significant reward….FOREVER in gold and silver, EVERY MONTH! And – when you get this, you even get “holder’s yields” for holding your gold and silver with us, paid as a PERCENT of the yield pool.

Remember, if there are no fees collected, no yields paid out. With millions of users to be in this system soon enough, now is the time to jump in to get that market share and referrers. Go to the page provided below and sign up now to be a in the beta Partner Program!