I have done the below media appearances discussing macro economics, gold, silver, and miners. I am a lifelong learner, not an industry insider. I do an immense amount of research in these areas, and wish to share my findings and analysis on a variety of subjects. I am an “expert” in cybersecurity and IT management at the highest levels – but all of the below is what you see as part of set of intense levels of interests in many things. I enjoyed talking shop with these channels – someday I may have a career in this, but I’d probably be looking more at the retired/power investor type of approach rather than looking to do 14 hour a day analysis on a company I can’t pronounce in an industry I don’t care about. I do this because I am highly interested in it and it is FUN!

  1. Palisades Gold Radio – 10/26/2021 discussing monthly options beat downs and a variety of other topics.  I touched on my “gold is the center of the financial universe” thesis there as well.
  2. Arcadia Economics – 1/25/2022 discussing silver monthly options.  Got to meet one of my silver idols, Chris Marcus.  He is pretty much a handful off camera and I couldn’t stop laughing.  Some of that carried over into the beginning of the interview where he flips a switch into this broadcast journalist.  He is quite an amazing guy who has an MBA from Wharton.  All of my MBA teachers at Villanova were Wharton grads, and I was 35 minutes away from UPenn (Wharton School there) so I am a little jealous he went there!
  3. Citizens for Sound Money – 11/22/2021 I got to have a discussion with one of the people I look up to today (Jim Forsythe) and we got to cover a lot of what I feel is important with people understanding what asset classes are and how to classify them.  This guy is a role model and I may ask to interview him someday for a renaissance man type of interview.  He is a former Major in the Air Force, a PhD, former state politician, and pilot.  Fascinating human being and one of my fellow silver enthusiasts out there.
  4. Palisades Gold Radio – 2/12/2021  Tom gave me my first chance, and I will be forever grateful to him and consider him a good friend.  This was my first interview ever, in my life, after being on Twitter for a whole month and writing an article about Eric Sprott which ended up near 70,000 reads.  This was around the time of the silver squeeze and I discussed the mechanics of how silver could melt up.  In retrospect, it was my first lesson on never making concrete predictions.  As it turned out, I called the mechanics correctly, but what I didn’t know at the time was that they would simply re-write SLV prospectus in the darkness of night.  I am vindicated in the respect I called the mechanics correctly, but cringe at the idea now of calling the SLV numbers – although none of the prices ever left orbit, the mechanics were correct.  I just underestimated how banks could change the rules of the game if they were losing.  THAT I talked about in there, I just didn’t know how they could change it so much.
  5. NorthStar Badcharts – I had a discussion with them for while.  Great guys.  I love Kevin’s meteorology background and how he sees this through the view of a probability cone, if you will.  Patrick is a great personality and seems like a really decent guy and a great chartist.
  6. Rethinking the dollar (RTD) – Mike asked me to do an interview on the gold to oil in Russia article I wrote.
  7. Investment News Network – I had an interview with Charlotte about the gold to oil article I put out.
  8. Arcadia Economics – 4/27/2022 – I did an educational video for Arcadia covering an overview of the supply and demand in the silver market, along with upcoming supply issues which could lead to a significantly higher re-rate of the price.
  9. Palisades Gold Radio – 11/11/2022 – I talk with Steve and Tom about what can be done about the possible upcoming Energy Cliff, if anything. I take a risk-based approach and try to look at items that could possibly mitigate/transfer the risks of the upcoming energy cliff.
  10. Finding Value Finance (1/13/2023) – I had a discussion with Andy discussing an article I did talking about how I believe commodities are going to be the investment of a lifetime in the second half of the 2020s.
  11. Arcadia Economics (3/23/2023) – I lay out a slide show of the mock case of Silver Bulls v Silver Bears and go into the story about why I think silver is going up and the bears are wrong
  12. Arcadia Economics (4/6/2023) – I put together how one could layer their PM investments as many start to worry what happens when they see risks of accumulating too much physical. What to do?
  13. Re-thinking the Dollar (4/16/2023) – I spoke with Mike over the weekend about 5 of the theories I have cooking up, which build into the other. Currency debasement, shuffling of bad assets, CBDCs, lots of fun stuff covered here.
  14. Arcadia Economics (8/30/2023) – In this educational video, I discuss how gold will perform during a potentially deflationary situation – but also talk about how if rates are now pausing, what we can expect from gold now.
  15. My own channel – I discussed a lot of different topics over time and did a lot of solo videos and some with a partner.  I even discussed some cyber situations that I am schooled on and can discuss in generalities.  These take a LONG time to produce the content for – when I do the slides, it may be days or weeks to prepare these.  I do them for ME.  If anyone gets something out of it, GREAT!  The link here is to a 7 part series that took me 2 hours to film and about a month of prep.  It’s describing a lot of what is going on today.  I might want to do some discussions with some people in the future as time permits, but mostly I loved trying to educate an audience on a very narrow topic.